Archive for April, 2009

A Cup of Tea with Bellas Grace

A Cup of  Tea with Bellas Grace

A blog dedicated to all those  people who have touched my heart whole-heartily. It is for those people who have  changed my  life.  I share this with you all…

But before I continue,  let us clarify the meaning of the word “Grace” my guide will be ” The Australian Oxford Mini Dictionary  The Third Addition”

meaning  2 – “bestow honour – on”  – verb

Bestowing honour upon the people who have given me  experiences of perfect unconditional love,  who  have also showered me with  blissful happiness in every day situations and for those  euphoric moments that  brought me to tears of   joy. “A Cup of Tea with Bellas Grace” is dedicated to you all.

The experience’s I have witnessed and lived, the people I have met and have yet to meet. The books I have read, the films I have watched over and over again. The music that I listen to and can’t get out of  my  head. The special events that occurred through my forty years  on this plant. These are all  gifts  I give to the  world.

It is going to be a pleasure sharing  all these wonderful stories and experiences, as in creating this blog was an experience in itself, but that is  for another story which I will share with you in a later blog.

Finally I wish to thank  all the people who will be honoured on “A Cup Of Tea with Bellas Grace” Blog for giving me the lessons in life, the knowledge to learn it, the sounds to hear it and the eyes to see the  true meaning of  “Grace”.

So I ask you to join with me, and take a seat. Make yourself a Cup of  Tea,  or whatever you like that  tickles your fancy. Get comfortable and lets give back to those who have given  us something memorable and uniquely profound to cherish forever.

Forever Thankful

Bellas Grace